In case you are wondering, "D" is my husband -- Dave Liu! As you've probably noticed, I don't update this blog often but I may post more as I've linked this to my Google+ account.

Sunday, July 11, 2004

Oddpost Purchased by Yahoo!

I proudly use Oddpost's email service. It's fantastic, even though I'm slightly annoyted that it only works in Microsoft IE and not Firefox. Given that Oddpost charges an annual subscription for 50MB storage, I was worried about whether it would survive now that Google Gmail offers 1GB free storage, Yahoo! Mail offers 100MB and even Hotmail 250MB.

Guess what? Yahoo! bought Oddpost! The Oddpost Team will now be working on a new Yahoo! Mail product. This is simultaneously great news and scary news. The great news is that Oddpost will no longer face any financial viability issues. The scary news is that Oddpost accounts will eventually be migrated over to this new product. Now, I have no qualms if I get to keep my Oddpost email address and the service remains largely unchanged (or changes for the better). But I have an uneasy feeling that they'll force me switch over to a address &/or start giving me unwanted Yahoo! "features", like ads. I don't like Yahoo! Mail. Heck, one of the main reasons why I switched over to Oddpost is because it was nothing like Yahoo! Mail. Aiyah.

[August 2, 2004 Update]: Slashdot commentary on this topic

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