In case you are wondering, "D" is my husband -- Dave Liu! As you've probably noticed, I don't update this blog often but I may post more as I've linked this to my Google+ account.

Sunday, March 05, 2006


This weekend, D & I went to the beautiful Big Island of Hawaii to attend Julie and Narendra's wedding. Both Julie and Narendra were a large part of the the driving force behind Webshots, which was acquired by CNET.

The wedding was lots of fun, and we made lots of new friends, including Nick, another prominent Webshots alumnus. Together, this dynamic trio has founded 30boxes, an online calendar application. The concept is fantastic, but I wasn't going to seriously start stress testing it until it had the ability to import existing entries from Microsoft Outlook... Oh look! Here it is... an import tool for Apple iCal, Yahoo Calendar and Microsoft Outlook (albeit it labeled "experimental" at this point).

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